- 修改wp-config.php文件
站点根目录下找到wp-config.php 文件,在合适的位置添加代码:
define( 'WP_ZH_CN_ICP_NUM', true);
- 在wp-content/languages/路径下添加zh_CN.php文件
esc_attr( matches['video_id'] ) );
return apply_filters( 'embed_tudou',embed, matches,attr, url,rawattr );
wp_embed_register_handler( 'tudou',
'wp_embed_handler_tudou' );
* 56.com wp_embed handler
* Embed code last updated:
* Tue, 05 Jun 2012 23:03:29 -0400
* Feel free to submit or correct URL formats here:
* http://cn.wordpress.org/contact/
* @since 3.4.0
function wp_embed_handler_56com( matches,attr, url,rawattr ) {
matches['video_id'] =matches['video_id1'] == '' ?
matches['video_id2'] :matches['video_id1'];
$embed = sprintf(
esc_attr( matches['video_id'] ) );
return apply_filters( 'embed_56com',embed, matches,attr, url,rawattr );
wp_embed_register_handler( '56com',
'wp_embed_handler_56com' );
* Youku wp_embed handler
* Embed code last updated:
* Wed, 06 Jun 2012 00:36:11 -0400
* Feel free to submit or correct URL formats here:
* http://cn.wordpress.org/contact/
* @since 3.4.0
function wp_embed_handler_youku( matches,attr, url,rawattr ) {
$embed = sprintf(
esc_attr( matches['video_id'] ) );
return apply_filters( 'embed_youku',embed, matches,attr, url,rawattr );
wp_embed_register_handler( 'youku',
'wp_embed_handler_youku' );
* ICP license number
* For compliance with the Telecommunications Regulations. Can be turned off
* in wp-config.php.
* @since 3.7.0
function zh_cn_l10n_settings_init() {
if ( defined( 'WP_ZH_CN_ICP_NUM' ) && WP_ZH_CN_ICP_NUM ) {
add_settings_field( 'zh_cn_l10n_icp_num',
'general' );
register_setting( 'general', 'zh_cn_l10n_icp_num' );
add_action( 'admin_init', 'zh_cn_l10n_settings_init' );
function zh_cn_l10n_icp_num_callback() {
echo '' .
function zh_cn_l10n_icp_num( $content ) {
if ( defined( 'WP_ZH_CN_ICP_NUM' ) && WP_ZH_CN_ICP_NUM &&
get_option( 'zh_cn_l10n_icp_num' ) ) {
echo '' .
esc_attr( get_option( 'zh_cn_l10n_icp_num' ) ) .
add_action( 'twentyten_credits', 'zh_cn_l10n_icp_num' );
add_action( 'twentyeleven_credits', 'zh_cn_l10n_icp_num' );
add_action( 'twentytwelve_credits', 'zh_cn_l10n_icp_num' );
add_action( 'twentythirteen_credits', 'zh_cn_l10n_icp_num' );
add_action( 'twentyfourteen_credits', 'zh_cn_l10n_icp_num' );
add_action( 'twentyfifteen_credits', 'zh_cn_l10n_icp_num' );
add_action( 'twentysixteen_credits', 'zh_cn_l10n_icp_num' );
add_action( 'twentyseventeen_credits', 'zh_cn_l10n_icp_num' );
- 在设置->常规中填写备案号,刷新首页即可看到~